Are you looking for housewares that are sustainable, ethically sourced and helps a good cause? Imani Collective is a lifestyle home goods brand, headquartered in Dallas Texas under the direction of Jenny Nucci. Founded in 2013 Imani Collectives mission give families in Kenya the resources they need to rise about poverty by providing employment opportunities, leadership business training and educational programs to artisans in the village of Mtepeni and Old Town Mumbsa, Kenya.
It all began when Jenny Nucci went to live in Kenya after college, where she traveled frequently. While living in Kenya she learned about how the families in Kenya lived and how they earned a living. Many of the women living around her wanted a better life for their families but didn’t have the resources, training or funds to put their skills into a business or find valuable work. With the desire to help those in need and a business background, Nucci launches Imani Collective to empower the lives of families living in Kenya and nearby villages.
With sixteen women from Kenya and sixteen sewing machines the company was established with artisans making home good items such as wall hangings, pillows and cribs for the company. Imani Collection has now grown to more than fifty employees from Kenya and neighboring states with more and more Kenyans employed with long-term full-time and part-time jobs.
As part of their rebranding initiative that was started in 2017, families also receive benefits that include childcare, healthcare, and programs that will help them create their own business. Education is important to the company and they have provided college scholarships to the people of Kenya and their families to further their education. Imani Collective is also looking to establish training centers in old Town Kenya to recruit and train new employees.
By Njeri Dean, STYLE & SOCIETY
Photo Credit, McCord List Photo Shoot (@renderinglight and @teacuptakesphotos)