The future of skincare has officially arrived with the launch of Agency, a new customized skincare brand that is destined to be a game changer in the beauty industry. Agency was founded by Dr. David Lortscher, a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of Curology, in the hopes of creating a high quality, personal and effective anti-aging skincare brand that is accessible to everyone. The ultimate goal of this hot, new company is to empower women by redefining what it means to age, inspiring them to share their hopes for their future skin and begin their skincare journey regardless of their age or skin type. Agency strives to celebrate the things we fear about getting older while showing customers unapologetically living their best life and embracing their skin flaws.
Agency has licensed dermatology providers to ensure that their customers’ skincare needs are met with an easy, affordable and customizable solution that is individually tailored to each person’s unique skin. Your skin will be feeling fresh, radiant and better than ever! All you need to do is register, share your skin goals and submit photos in order for your provider to determine the best formula for your skin. From there, Agency will send you your first formula for free (just pay $4.95 shipping and handling) and will refill your prescription every two months. In addition, the dedicated dermatology providers will check in to determine if a customer’s formula needs adjustments depending on their goals or how their skin responds to the treatment. Personalized skin care is the newest trend and Agency does not disappoint!
On top of being completely customized for your unique skin, Agency is affordable and your skin results are worth the investment. Your Future Formula will be delivered to your doorstep for $30 a month after your first free month. After your first free month, Agency will automatically send you a refill every two months with the option to cancel at any time. You can save $10 a month if you add the Dark Spot Formula to your treatment plan and get ongoing shipments of both products. Agency is now available across select states the United States.
The Future Formula and Dark Spot Formula feature four active ingredients personalized to each customer’s skin concerns and can be incorporated into every daily skincare routine. If your skincare concerns include wrinkles, fine lines, texture and skin firmness, Agency’s Future Formula is designed just for you! The active ingredients will be prescribed by your dermatology provider, but may include tretinoin, azelaic acid, tranexamic acid, niacinamide and more.
The Dark Spot Formula was created for individuals who help correcting melasma and other types of hyperpigmentation. The four active ingredients in every Dark Spot formula may include hydroquinone, azelaic acid, hydrocortisone, kojic acid, green tea extract or resveratrol. In addition, all Agency formulas are vegan, cruelty-free and unscented. If you’re looking for a top-tier skincare brand with high quality formulas and products that won’t break your bank, Agency is the perfect solution for you! Sign up for your free trial ($4.95 S&H) here and visit Agency for more information.
Sponsored by Agency.