#Mentor Partner
While the pandemic has shifted our normal routines and affected us in more ways than imaginable, there is a silver lining when it comes to self-care. Having to stay home and quarantine gives you more ‘Me Time’. It allows you to do everything you may not have had time for before or didn’t know how to fit into your busy schedule. Now is always the best time to live your best life and focus on being the best version of yourself. It’s important to take care of yourself and your mental health – to empower yourself to own each day.
Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger, more confident, and taking control of your own life. For some people, that means finally obtaining their dream job or getting in shape. For others, taking control of their own life means finally getting the Mentor breast implants they’ve always dreamed of having.
Mentor Breast Implants: Why the Pandemic is the Best Time for It
Breast augmentation has been the most popular cosmetic procedure over the past few years. And it may be because women are more confident and empowered to make decisions regarding their outward appearance. As countries across the world ease out of lockdown, there has been a post-lockdown plastic surgery bump from delayed procedures. People are taking the step towards the procedures they have wanted and planned for years. And women are continuing to call plastic surgeons about consultations for rhinoplasties, facelifts and breast augmentations.

Quarantine allows for a more discreet post-surgery recovery. Since many people are working from home, they’re able to have a more relaxing recovery process. And do not have to worry about asking for time off work. The pandemic has created a convenient situation for scheduling your plastic surgery consultations and surgeries while we can still all work comfortably from our own couch and recover in peace without deadlines, having to sit in traffic, or physically go into the office.
The decision to undergo surgery to get breast implants is personal, important and life changing.
Choosing the right breast implants for you is a critical part in the process. Mentor is dedicated to making patients feel comfortable, safe, empowered, and informed. There are countless resources on their website to provide you with all the information you need about their products, the breast augmentation procedure and journey, pricing, health risks and concerns, patient results, post-surgery recovery, warranty information and more. You can also create an account that will allow you to use the Mentor Visualizer to visualize yourself with augmented breasts. And create a personalized profile, and find a doctor that is the best match for you.
Mentor aims to break the stigmas of breast augmentation by helping women realize they are in control of their own body and their own life. The Mentor ‘Own The Day’ brand belief is all about encouragement, choice and empowerment. Millions of women have chosen Mentor Breast Implants because of their mission and their commitment to high-quality breast implants, desired outcomes for patients and patient safety. Mentor is the global leader in breast aesthetic medicine and has made breast implant devices for over 30 years.

Outward appearance isn’t just a superficial aesthetic but it factors into how you feel on the inside.
While the perception of breast augmentation is slowly beginning to shift, there is still a stigma within our society. People still believe that women who undergo breast augmentation surgery are narcissistic, under-educated, or looking to attract men. Society and the fear of judgement has led us to believe that this is a controversial topic. And that it should not be discussed openly.
However, education and speaking openly about breast augmentation surgery at events like Mentor Talks, allows women to share their first-hand experiences and journeys with someone who might be going through the same thing or is considering surgery, but afraid to go through with it. During the recent Mentor Talks event, Dr. Essie Kueberuwa Yates spoke about patients finding a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and recommended finding a doctor who has experience with aesthetics, augmentation and reconstructive breast procedures.
Breast implant procedures have helped millions of women rekindle their self-love, correct bodily changes following pregnancy or other conditions to boost their self-esteem.
In reality, many women undergo these procedures to get a fuller or more symmetrical bust. Recover their pre-baby body with a mommy make-over. Or are a breast cancer survivor reconstructing their breasts after undergoing a mastectomy. Breast implant surgery has every reason to be celebrated because it can contribute to women having a sense of fearlessness and power. Check out Breast Implants by Mentor to discover what the right product is for your journey.
This post was created in partnership with Mentor Worldwide LLC.