The David Lynch Foundation, a global charitable organization that addresses the epidemic of trauma and toxic stress amongst at-risk populations, hosted its inaugural Women of Vision Humanitarian and Courage Awards Luncheon in New York City on May 9. Gisele Bündchen, Robin Roberts, Carolyn Rafaela, Joni Kimberlin, and Latoya Mack were honored at the awards, which raised funds benefitting female survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
The event celebrated the foundation’s recent success providing scholarships for hundreds of women and children to learn to meditate through the Family Justice Centers in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens, as well as Sanctuaries for Families and other women’s shelters in the New York area. The luncheon raised funds to provide the stress-reducing Transcendental Meditation technique at no cost to 1,000 women and children in the New York City area who are victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Since 2005, the David Lynch Foundation has helped to bring this stress-reducing technique to more than 500,000 children and adults around the world. They focus their efforts on underserved inner-city students, veterans with PTSD and their families, and women and children who are survivors of violence and abuse.